A multiplexing device for the solar plants

As we all know that at present time everyone’s focus is to utilize renewable sources as much as possible. Even the government of India is trying to aware the people about non conventional sources of energy so that we can save our conventional sources which are extincting day by day. We all know that conventional sources include petroleum fuels like coal. Reports say that if the extraction of the coal will be continued to the present extent then it will get diminished soon. Therefore, the prime minister himself gets involved in this matter and trying to spread awareness for the renewable energy. When it comes to renewable energy, the first thing comes to our mind is solar, wind and hydro energy. Because these are the only sources that are easily available everywhere. Although these sources have many advantages but there is one major disadvantage with wind and hydro. It is that they are not available everywhere. We can install a wind energy plant only where latitudes and longitudes...