Safely operate your device under Surge Protection Device (SPD)

Every times Electromagnetic interferences, switching and transients are very much common also known as surges, low amplitudes surge are sometimes eliminated by our UPS and others supply systems. Surge protection devices or surge suppressor’s plays measure role to eliminate or to suppress these unwanted surges or voltage spikes. These surges could be under voltage or over voltages, for under voltage UPS or Stabilizer are the best options but for the over voltages SPD are best preferred as it provides a suitable path to these spikes to the ground and keep our systems and under devices safe. These devices are sometimes known as transient voltage surge suppressor. Surges do not only caused by the direct lightning or switching but also indirect lightning such as ground potential rise and electromagnetic coupling on overhead lines. We are manufacturing and providing our SPD’s too many fields AC applications, telephone industry, signals and communications systems, Security and surveill...