Surge suppressing technology that can pay many dividends

Among all the electrical faults, power surges rushing into your devices can be disastrous leading to fire hazards or can put a halt to the normal function of your devices. Devices exposed to hostile environment and those staying doors are susceptible to surge events. Despite being indoors, your devices are not assured safety. They can still be haunted by the lightning encroaching inside the facility via the transmission lines and communication lines.Another major cause of surges can be– frequent switching activities, electromagnetic induction, etc. They are all unpredictable sources and can hit your devices at any point of time.

SPDs are similar to that of a power strip but much more powerful than the power strip. Before discussing the possibility of occurrence of surge events, we will look at the scenario of how we choose a protection unit. A reliable protection system is necessary to clamp the incoming voltage hikes to a threshold level by diverting reasonably high value of transient current safely to the ground.The manufacturing technology of Protection system matters and has its effect of the protection scenario.Different manufacturers utilize different technology.

When we talk of technology – SPDs can be based on MOV technology, spark gap technology and silicon avalanche suppressor diode. Based on the technology and application, the SPDs can be of Class B, class C and class B+C which revolves around the current ratings.Type 1/Class B Surge suppressors installed at the main supply unit are typically engineered to tackle the transient voltage in 10/350µs. Type 2/ Class C Modules are installed parallel to the equipment to discharge the switching surges in 8/20µs.Another special type of SPDs are Class B+C type SPDs that can mitigate the effects of both Lightning and switching transients that will act both in both 10/350µs and 8/20µs respectively.

The over voltage absorption capacity of Surge Protection Devices depends on the cable length and distance at which it is installed. According to relevant standards, the cable connecting the equipment and the surge protection device should not exceed beyond 10meters. If the distance happens to be more than 10 meters, then a coordination SPD is connected to provide reliable protection.


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